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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Part of American History

Today my son Kyle came home from school. He really likes American History and he told me today that they discussed immigration. So honestly I was thinking there was gonna be a lot of political crap thrown in there considering how the immigration issue is mushrooming here today in the States. Actually and Thankfully, his teacher had told the kids to find out where the beginning of our families had immigrated from since really America was founded by immigrants and continued to grow largely from Immigrated families. So Kyle, who because of his Asperger's Syndrome is normally  not outspoken at all in class, raised his hand. My grandmother is from Japan. She is first generation. Grew up South of Osaka. He had told his teacher that, and how my grandmother as a child during the World War used to walk to school with the bombers above, hearing them whistling as they fell. Grandma used to tell us stories of how everytime they heard the air sirens their mom used to make them all crawl under their front porch until one day my Grandma Katie told her mom that if their house was hit by a bomb that being under the porch was not going to save them. After that she refused to hide under the porch. When my grandmother got into her earlier twenties she met my grandfather who was a Marine, on the  base in Japan and as dashing as My grandfather was, he swept her off her feet. They came back to the states after my aunt and mother were born in Osaka. My mother was maybe two at the time I think.

So My shy Kyle, was so proud to tell about my grandma Katie. We were very blessed that my kids were able to have her in their lives. She was someone you really wanted in your life. She's the strongest woman I've ever known. Last year, three days before my birthday she passed from Liver Cancer because of Hepatitis. Because of issues that I have with my very cruel, and clinically insane step grandfather, we were not able to say goodbye, so there really isn't closure there. I think about my Grandmother every day and I am so happy that my kids remember her and are proud of their roots, and somewhat knowledgeable about them.

In a way, every single family is a living branch of American History since none of the origins of any of our families is native, save for the American Indians, who are the only true Natives of our country. I'm also very grateful to God that He is allowing my son to finally break out of his shell just a bit. It's taken so long to see progress with him, but I've never once given up, even though his dad has, and most of our family on both sides has. I know that he will bloom soon, he's just going to do it in his own time and not when everyone else dictates it for him. I will always be his mother, I will always believe in him because I see what no one else sees, and I will continue to encourage him. And together we all in this generation will write a new chapter in American History. Maybe we can all go back to being the land of tolerance and celebrating diversity once again. Maybe we can all try to educate ourselves about things like Asperger's Syndrome, a form of autism that my son has, and of Bipolar Disorder, which I have. Fibromyalgia also runs in my family and is probably one of the least recognized Syndromes but is just as real and physical as Diabetes. So Here I am, proud of my son for speaking up. You just keep doing you Kyle! Never give up and you will succeed! And I will be standing there beside you when you finally do. You will offer something to the world that's important. I firmly believe it. After all, you have the blood of our ancestors in you, and we never give up.

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