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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

America: The Diva of all Countries

Before I start this blog entry today I want to say that we ARE the best country. However, I'm not so wrapped up in being an American to be blinded by the love of my country. Today was election day. I found myself conflicted. I knew I should vote. As an American Citizen, it was my duty to do so. I can't complain about where we are if I don't make my vote, now can I? I don't want to complain but the conflict rose in me as I figured out where I was to vote. I kept asking myself if my vote was really going to change anything. For one, I don't like ANY politician. I think that everyone in Government, public office, or in politics in any shape or form, is self serving. I don't think our government is "of the people, by the people, and for the people" any longer. I feel like every single person in politics is corrupt. The corporations of America have lined the pockets of the public servants of this once great country. We really are Corporate America. Is it any wonder that we are where we are? But how, do we change this? I hardly think my vote is going to do this. There is something inherently wrong with our Government from the very lowest office to the very highest. 

I don't believe a vote will change this. I really believe our country needs a complete and total makeover, plastic surgery, gastric bypass and all. However, since the "people" supposedly own the government, do you think that we the "people" can just go change it? Somehow I think a military force would stop us from doing so. I don't know how, then that we will change this. I know none of it is right and not a single part of our government is doing what it is supposed to be doing or what it was intended to do.

Americans have become so Jaded that we have forgotten what we are and how we started. We have forgotten our roots. We are so hellbent on freedom, that our very freedom is killing us as a country. We were all immigrants to this country, we sought religious freedom for all, but now, we have it.  We are a true melting pot of every country older than us. We have roots in the world. Yet we act like the Divas of Countries. We act entitled. This generation that I am currently a part of, most of us has no idea what it is to earn our freedom or appreciate it. We have become second and third generations. Just as old money doesn't appreciate where that fortune came from, we have "old freedom" and we don't appreciate where it came from and we have nothing invested. So we whine and complain, stick our noses in every other countries' business. We think we have to go out and defend everyone and fix everyone else. Truth is we need to fix ourselves first. We need to know what it means to be committed and invested in our own freedom. Most of us have not had to go and fight for freedom and literally invest tears, sweat and blood into this. We trample on the foundation that our forefathers have built for us, and even take bricks from it to throw at one another.

This is a long winded way to say that I did exercise my right to vote today, but I really don't think it will do any good. Because politicians and government almost always find ways to pervert it, to contaminate it, misinterpret it, use it, exploit it, and use it for self serving reasons. I don't think a vote is going to fix what is wrong with our country or stop our downward spiral. We need to focus on ourselves and fixing America, and stop concerning ourselves with other countries until we get it right ourselves, here at home. I don't believe it will be an easy task, and nor will it be a short one. I am proud to be an American. Deeply. But I look at where we came from, and now we stand for so many different things that I don't even know what the core of America really is. It's so convoluted and diluted and contaminated that I only see bits and pieces. I think Freedom is too easily used as an excuse to do anything we want. Freedom to most Americans seems to represent Anarchy more than actual freedom. Freedom used to mean from tyranny, from abuse, from taxation without representation.  It used to mean something noble, and worth dying for. Now? I am not so sure what it means in present day. I know that my generation didn't begin this downward spiral for our country, and I also know that our children who inherit this mess of a country will not be able to fix it without a  complete restructuring, but will OUR government allow us to do supposedly what the American people have a right to do? I don't think so. And unfortunately future generations will live under this oppression we fought so hard to escape in the first place, and changing it will only be refreshed by blood. So for my future generations, I apologize that we didn't have the strength what you soon will have no choice but to do. I did my best by the power that I have as a citizen. I voted. And I'm still confused and disillusioned as to what that really means anymore. Does anyone else feel like this? I surely can't be the only one. I just can't put blinders on and ignore it anymore. Because I believe the blinders is what got us here in the first place.

I'm still proud to be American, I just wish everyone understood what that truly stood for, and how we got here. History is a powerful thing, but only if you know what that History is. Sadly many don't. They are entitled and not earned and they've no idea why. We are the youngest country. And as such, you could say we are in our adolescence. We would do ourselves well, if we listened to more than our own voice and learned by those around us. We have a lot to learn. We act as if we are know it all teenagers. Eventually we are going to get schooled. I just hope that we do it ourselves, and I hope that it doesn't come from an outside source. That would be so destructive. But we only seem to learn our lessons from tragedy. I pray that it doesn't take that, however by history and experience, it seems that will be the only way we do learn.

God Bless America. For as long as God is still allowed. It seems that everyone else's god or god's or lack of is now more accepted and the founding faith of our country seems to be left out. Freedom of religion? For who? Freedom? Where? We've enslaved ourselves with our own chains. Wake up America, before someone throws the bucket of ice water on us, and does it for us!

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